Saturday, April 5, 2008

i am a twenkid

Twenkid - a kid in his or her twenties

what a nice addition to my broad and fragmented identification!

spiesser song

found some song on the net

Ich hasse all die Spießer

Morgens in der S-Bahn

Hinter ihrer BILD-Zeitung

Lauert Springers Nazi-Wahn

I fucking hate spiesser

Today I've discovered that there are two types of spiesser: good and bad onces.ßbürger

So I fucking hate bad spiesser. They have no idea how blind they are.

Their consciousness is filled with tons of shit, mostly with fun-mining techniques from the banal crap using weird volkpsychological analogies. 

That's their defense from boring life. That's fine. We all have our defense strategies. But give some space for the free spirits! It is them, who will mine some real new stuff for you, new technology, new ideas, for you, dear fucking bad spiesser, to fill your lives with something meaningful.

Or simply open your eyes and see how much is going on in the world today!

Get inspired!

Get a dream!

Friday, April 4, 2008

the street philosopher

Manuel DeLanda talks about ideas of Gilles Deleuze

in the talk he mentions Nietzsche's warning to be too human, all too human  

small provincial world of humanity


beauty is a feeling of good control of a very complex thing

complex + control = beautiful

love is beautiful. 

we do love when we have good control

things I love

I love software.

I love AI.

I love minds.

I love life.

I love love.

I love beauty.

I love complexity.


for things I love

(no arrogance, just a free spirit)